My Story


  My name is John William Selig and if unique is what you seek then seeing what my eyes deem artistic and beautiful might interest you.

on the flightdeck

on the flightdeck

Those deemed so are inspired and motivated by the following.

• My wife, her confidence, love, and artistic eyes that see where mine fail

• The unsung artists I have known in the many years I spent in the construction trades

• The awe-inspiring artful creations of bridge, highway, railroad and pre-1970 car designers and builders

• My passion for historical truth and its underdogs especially the story of the man who created Hollywood and never received credit for doing so, my Great Uncle William N. Selig

 • All the defenseless animals who need our help

 • My dearly departed canine companion Moreen who was constantly at my side for 15 years

 I live in Benicia, California, it is located NW of SF on the Carquinez strait. Very historical, remarkably interesting place where industrial, military, and commercial interests snuggle close. I mean right up close in environmental, wildlife and residential concerns and habitat.  As you can see in my images refineries and railroads lay down with the wetlands and wildlife. Quite amazing if you saw the SF Bay in the 1960’s through 80’s. Nasty isn’t nasty enough to describe how nasty it was. Our young and sensitive olfactory senses were assaulted whenever near to the bay and witnessed what the factories, refineries, industrial and sewage demons had done to it. Add to that the developers that had plans to fill the entire south Bay.

  …but Then a few ladies on the SF Peninsula decided to fight for a dying bay. And the rest is history.   

View the landscape, architecture, machines and more, via my lens…